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Curious about the APT’s position on key industry topics?
Get the latest APT official statements.
What to do about recalled tattoo & PMU Inks? - February 3, 2025
FDA Recalls 4 inks due to bacterial contamination - February 6, 2025
Tattoo inks recalled in Canada over contamination concerns - September 19, 2024
Tattoos Broadcast Enhanced Immunity, Stamina, UA Study Finds
Tat_BioV: Tattoo ink exposure and biokinetics of selected tracers in a short-term clinical study of 24 subjects
Inclusive Restroom Signage:
Employment Descrimination
LGBTQ+ Language Glossary & Resources
OSHA Workers Rights and Protections
OSHA Worker Rights and Protections | Occupational Safety and Health Administration
American Psychological Association Federal Crisis Hotline
NEHA Body Art Model Code:
NEHA Body Art Model Code Annex:
NEHA Body Art Model Code Adoption Toolkit:
FDA Guidance for Industry: Insantary Conditions in the Preparation, Packing, and Holding of Tattoo Inks and the Risk of Microbial Contamination:
Tattoos: Understanding Risks and Precautions - Mayo Clinic
The Network for Public Health Law: Tattoo Regulation and Public Health
OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard
OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard and Body Art Letter of Interpretation
FDA Issues Draft Guidance of Tattoo Inks
FDA Issues Final Draft Guidance on Tattoo Inks
Body Art Educational Alliance (AFDO)
MOCRA Bill Language
Reinventing the Tattoo
Tattoo Now
Explosion in Tattooing, Piercing Tests State Regulators
Skin Cancer: Experts Suggest Teaching Tattoo Artists How To Identify Skin Lesions Can Help Detect Skin Cancer
FDA Warns Consumers to Avoid Certain Topical Pain Relief Products Due to Potential for Dangerous Health Effects
Tatt Horror: Influencer Ricardo Godoi dies after being given general anesthesia for huge back tattoo leaving fans in shock
Tattoo Sedations: Is it Safe, and Will the Growing Trend Take Hold?
All the Ink, no ache: South Florida studio offers tattoos under sedation at a premium price
Debate over 9-year-old girl getting tattooed in southwestern Arizona
Tennessee bill could require anti-human trafficking training for tattoo artists
Body Art: Know the Risks (NEHA)
Body Art Aftercare (NEHA)
Body Art: Proper Handling of Sharps (NEHA)
Body Art: Medical Attention (NEHA)
AFDO Tattoo Ink & PMU Labeling Guide
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (Equal Rights Advocates)
Body Art Practioner's Guide
Emotional First Aid Training:
Impact Melanoma: Skinny on Skin Program
NEHA Body Art Inspector Facility Training
Association of Professional Piercers
Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals
Tattoo Heritage Project
NEHA - National Environmental Health Association
BAMC - Body Art Model Code (NEHA)
AFDO - Association of Food & Drug Officials
OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration
BAEA - Body Art Educational Alliance (AFDO)
FDA - Food & Drug Administration
MOCRA - Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act
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The Alliance of Professional Tattooists (APT) does not recommend the tattooing of minors (as legally defined by the US) under the age of 18.
The Alliance of Professional Tattooists (APT) does not endorse or recommend the use of any form of anesthesia or sedation for tattooing procedures. Extensive tattoo sessions that involve anesthesia and multiple artists are complex unnecessary undertakings. The APT has issued statements on this topic before and our stance has always been against the use of general and local anesthesia or any other type of sedation.
Anesthesia and sedation introduce additional risks, including possible long-term effects.
Furthermore, extensive tattooing places significant physical demands on the body and requires meticulous aftercare. Healing from such procedures is challenging enough without adding additional strain on the body.
Our association remains committed to promoting safe, professional practices within the tattoo trade. We do not endorse the use of anesthesia or sedation for tattooing procedures due to the increased risks and complexities it introduces.
The Alliance of Professional Tattooists does not endorse, approve, or certify any tattoo schools or academies. Any claims of affiliation or endorsement with the Alliance of Professional Tattooists by such entities are false and unauthorized. While we are committed to promoting safe and ethical tattooing practices, we recommend that individuals seeking to enter the tattoo profession thoroughly research and evaluate a proper apprenticeship program independently and follow all legal requirements designated by their county or state. The Alliance of Professional Tattooists assumes no responsibility for the quality, content, or outcomes of any tattoo school or training program. Any tattoo school using our logo and/or organization name as a means of promotion or endorsement will result in legal action. For inquiries or further clarification, please contact us at
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Home Office Mailing Address:
7770 Regents Rd, Suite 113, #635
San Diego, CA 92122
Office Hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9am-4pm PST